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Author Topic: Motive pressure brake bleeder  (Read 1218 times)

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Offline kwtoxman

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Motive pressure brake bleeder
« on: July 27, 2018, 01:09:58 PM »
I decided to save some money and do my own brake fluid change on the Solstice. I picked up a Motive Pressure brake bleeder after some research to make the work much easier.

It worked very well for me. Their website is difficult to navigate but has lots of good info there for those interested.

This tool turns brake fluid bleeding and changes into a one person job. Essentially it's a plastic bottle with a hand pump that pressurizes the brake fluid reservoir with new brake fluid. I was then able to bleed the brake lines one at a time (opening the bleeder nipple/screw on each caliper). The pressure forces new fluid into the brake fluid reservoir, then through the lines to the calipers you bleed. It's easy, clean and fast.

If you are interested in it make sure you get the right adapter for the brake fluid reservoir. I don't know if Solstice cars came with different brake reservoirs but mine was the smaller euro style cap which measures 1.75 inches or 45mm (inside diameter with the threads). The Motive 0100. https://www.motiveproducts.com/products/0100-european-bleeder

I also got the catch bottles from them and I definitely recommend them as well, either 1810 or 1820 (one or two). One tip I got from Motive was to use a catch bottle to pull the old fluid out of the reservoir. It does double duty that way, and worked well.

One can always call Motive with any questions. This is a lot cheaper than paying a shop to do the work. It's pretty simple and straight forward as well. I recommend getting a pump with the brass fitting to the reservoir cap as shown in the picture. This allows the use of different adapters for different caps with the pump. Then it works on other cars as well.

Another great tool for anyone interested in Solstice maintenance. Hope the info helps.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 03:48:26 PM by kwtoxman »

Offline KappaSky

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Re: Motive pressure brake bleeder
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2018, 07:37:38 AM »
Good product review. I see you are in Canada. Did you find the product here or ordered and had it shipped?

Offline kwtoxman

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Re: Motive pressure brake bleeder
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2018, 12:40:19 PM »
Thx! I called Motive when I was figuring out what to purchase and they told me they had a Canadian distributor which was great news. Their prices are competitive so I went with the Canadian distributor. I also spoke with him (Sy) over the phone.




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