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Author Topic: Does anyone in the Seattle/Tacoma area have a Tech2 or emulator??  (Read 1042 times)

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Offline KentuckyKeith

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  • Location: Tacoma, WA
So I'm seriously considering buying the VXDIAG VCX Nano just so I can program a couple keyless entry remotes.  It's the #1 thing that bugs me on a daily basis.  Yes, I could go on amazon and buy a FOB with the programming module, but that would require me to get the PPS sensor recall done...  And well, that's a story for a different Jerry Springer show, but let's just say an un-named GM dealership in Lakewood that rhymes with Witus-Till completely destroyed any and all trust when I had my baby in to get the ignition recall done.  Not only did the steal my Garmin GPS unit out of my car, the door locks and ignition are worse than before I took it in (i have to jiggle the key in the ignition and passenger door to get it to turn).

So now I guess the post is two parts:
1.  I live in Tacoma.  Does anyone in the Seattle/Tacoma area have a Tech2 or emulator that would be willing to use to help me with my keyless entry?  Or even let me use to do my keyless entry?

2.  Anyone know a GOOD and REPUTABLE dealer around the Tacoma area for the PPS sensor recall work?

**I hope I am putting this in the right place, I am still a little new on this site so please bare with me and move this where ever if you need to moderators.
2006 NA Pure Solstice.  List of mods:
RK Sport front bumper
Lil' black chromies
Mini D2S projectors
XB & Seq accent lights - front
Sidemarkers now XB w/translucent clear lens
Reverse lights replaced with tail/stop/reverse
Diff flashers for all three sets of brake lights
Sky sideview mirrors - black
Smoothed/painted rear bumper valance
Windshield hoop painted - black
Door handles reinf. & painted - black
All emblems (ex steering wheel) painted B&W
Footwell lighting
JVC KW-V830BT receiver
Review mirror with LCD display
Backup camera with display in receiver and review mirror
Dechromed & Degrayed


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