The electrical aspects are not really that hard. The programming aspects and reverse engineering the data signals is the hard part.
I already picked up a 2 channel CAN interface that I can plug into a laptop and I wrote some software that will allow me to plug in a tech2 scanner into one channel and the other will connect to the car. This way when I tell the tech2 scanner to do something I can record the information that is coming out of it. and any information that is on the network that isn't typical or repeated I will record this way I can figure out what the response is from the car.
I already have things like headlights, parking lights, door lock, driver door unlock, passenger door unlock, speedometer, rpm, fuel level, turn signals, trunk pop, fog lights and a bunch of other things already reverse engineered. Oh I also have transmission gear for a manual transmission done also. I need to get the steering angle from the EBCM.