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Author Topic: FS - GXP ZOK springs  (Read 1720 times)

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Offline cdflint

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FS - GXP ZOK springs
« on: May 22, 2022, 06:59:56 PM »
Still driving my LL red and recently purchased new tires (old tires 11 years old). I had purchased these used springs from I believe Elff awhile back and they since have collected a lot of dust since I've been working on another project (66 Caprice). I'm getting older and decided I would soften the ride I have and add these to my current B&G coilovers, I noticed the spring perches were different. Fortunately the springs in there were just really tight and I raised the height and loosened the spring some. Much better now and alignment time.

Now I have these springs that are not needed and there are just about none available. They are:

2 FE3 LNF ZOK Front Springs Part #25849163
2 FE3 LNF ZOK Rear Springs part #25855626

Asking $500.00 plus shipping.

She's an 09 Brazen GXP.

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To be or not to be hard, that is the question. I prefer my top off and still hard when I need it.

Offline WickedLNF

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Re: FS - GXP ZOK springs
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2022, 03:11:26 PM »
I am interested. Will send a PM with contact info for shipping costs and method of payment.

Offline elff

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Re: FS - GXP ZOK springs
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2022, 05:58:51 PM »
WTF you slacker.
Those are the mecca of springs and you let them collect dust?
I hope WickedLNF gives them the life they deserve.


I am kidding, but CDflint is correct.   Those are near Unobtanium.   

Offline cdflint

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Re: FS - GXP ZOK springs
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2022, 01:32:25 PM »
SOLD to Wicked. You are right Elff, I have items I all intended to place on and other cars and family got in the way. Glad they can be used as they should.

In the meantime I found a guy in Phoenix that had a "custom" hardtop. He didn't know he had a Club Racer Smoothline top. CF vinyl exterior and fully lined inside. Little bit of JB weld on one of the mounting points for the back, a few J hook and bolts and now I have a summer top.
She's an 09 Brazen GXP.

Covered by Norms Fiberglass, DDM, WERKS, KappaSphere, Trifecta performance, Dejon performance, Solo performance, Magnaflow, Hahn, VDI, B&G, ASAP, WindRestrictor, Gravana, JPM, Santana, Madmod, HID pro, Second Skin Audio, mydipkit, Automotivetouchup.com and Smoothline.

To be or not to be hard, that is the question. I prefer my top off and still hard when I need it.


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