it wasn't the power draw that was the gotcha I was talking about.
It was the fact that until the ignition is in the On position, Rev would not connect.
The iPhone Wifi, however would connect with the car off. So I was scratching my head for about 10 minutes trying to figure out WTF??
Hopefully that will save someone else from a little bit of a headache.
I decided to also download DashCommand for the iPhone.
I saw the link off the PLX website. It's $29. There is a version for the PC. I might snag that too. [I'm a gadget geek]
It's got some different tools and a couple nice skins for displaying information.
I also like the Inclinometer for when I will be 4wheeling in the jeep.
I can't wait to play with both of them.
The Kiwi Device it really cool. At first, I was wishing that it didn't have a cable at all, but our ODB II port is directly in the middle of your legs, so being able to cleanly run the cable to the center console area is plus in my eyes.
Good stuff
FYI- I use VMware Fusion but have played with Parallels as well.