Hi all,
So, back when JustMike set up the first Mecca Tour of the plant in Delaware, they set up a huge raffle. They made two clocks out of solstice fenders from straight off of the line. They also made two Sky ones. For the Solstice ones, one was black and one was yellow. I wanted and won the black one. This is a reaaaal piece of history. I am not sure how much it would take to get me to part with it, but I am trying to get some money together for grad school. The fender itself is worth $150, but the history behind it makes it worth a lot more. I have a pic if someone can tell me how to upload it. I am thinking it should go for at least $500. If you want it, let me know. If you don't but have an opinion about what I should charge about it, also let me know.